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Brimstone Witch Mysteries - Box Set 1 Page 5

  Stanley gave me an uncertain look.

  I removed my hand from Luca’s arm, bent down and stared into Rascal’s eyes. I said, “You take good care of Stanley. If you hurt one grey hair on him, you’ll have me to deal with. Okay?”

  Rascal said, “You can trust me, Cassia Winter.”

  I looked into his eyes for a few moments, and I knew instinctively I could trust him. I straightened up and said to Stanley, “You have a good time. You can tell me all about your evening later.”

  Stanley moved over to Rascal’s side and gave him a shy smile.

  Still looking at me, Rascal said, “I’ll make sure Stanley gets home safe. I’ll walk him right up to the cat flap in your door.”

  “We have a cat flap?” I asked. “Stanley, did you notice a cat flap?”

  Stanley shook his head.

  I shook my head too. “So much for our powers of observation. Some detectives we are.”

  Rascal assured me Stanley would be okay twice more, then the two cats turned around and padded away into the darkness.

  Luca put his arm around me and pulled me closer. “They’ll be fine. Stop worrying so much. I’m surprised your hair hasn’t turned grey with all the worrying you do.”

  I had many streaks of grey hair which I dyed on a regular basis. I wasn’t going to tell Luca that.

  Luca turned me towards the nightclub doors and said, “Are you ready to go inside?”

  Chapter 9

  As we walked forwards, I noticed a massive stone structure at the side of the doors. I hadn’t seen it earlier. My lack of observation skills was beginning to worry me.

  The stone structure moved. Then it spoke.

  “Evening, Luca,” the structure said in a gravelly voice. “Evening, Cassia. We haven’t officially met. I’m Steve Breccia. I’m the doorman here.” He held out a rocky hand to me.

  I put my hand in his. It was like placing my hand on a marble statue - cold to touch but not unpleasant. I managed to mumble a greeting. I couldn’t stop staring at Steve. He was lumpy and bumpy everywhere. The black suit he was wearing strained against his various bulges. I knew I shouldn’t be staring, but I couldn’t help it.

  Luca said, “Cassia, if you’re wondering what sort of being Steve is, he’s a troll.

  “A troll? I thought they were ugly and lived under bridges.”

  “Live under bridges?” Steve said. “Why would we do that? Trolls are expert house builders. That’s what my family does. We own many construction companies. If you’re looking for somewhere permanent to live in Brimstone, you should have a word with my mum. She’s in charge of every aspect of our building business.”

  I nodded as if speaking to a troll about my future living accommodation was a normal thing to do. Perhaps it was, here in Brimstone.

  I said to Steve, “Do you work in the construction business with your mum?”

  Steve answered, “I do, and I do security work here too. I love this job because I get to meet a variety of individuals, some of whom only come out at night.” He looked in Luca’s direction. “The Trinity Twins are performing tonight. Have you told Cassia what they do? Or who they are?”

  Luca grinned. “No, I want to see the look on her face when she sees them.”

  Steve stood to one side and pushed a door open. He tipped his head at me and said, “Enjoy the show, Cassia. If there’s any trouble in there, just let me know.”

  “Why would there be trouble? Are you expecting some?” I asked.

  Steve’s smile faltered, and he cast a quick glance around the town square. “I don’t know what to expect these days. I’m sure you’ll be safe inside. There isn’t usually trouble inside when I’m on the door.”

  I could well believe that. Having a doorman the size of a small mountain would deter anyone.

  Luca stepped through the open door and into a large entrance.

  I followed him and said, “This must be what it’s like to walk into the TARDIS.”

  “The what?” Luca asked.

  “The TARDIS. Doctor Who and all that.”

  “Doctor Who? What are you talking about?”

  “It’s a TV show. I’ve got some DVDs in Gran’s apartment. You’ll have to watch them some time. You’ll love them.”

  We walked along and came to a stop at an opening to a room. My mouth dropped open. I was aware it was open, but it was warranted.

  The inside of the Razzle Dazzle club was stunning. It was a large room with a high ceiling. Fireflies in many colours danced around the ceiling sending shards of rainbow coloured beams across the floor. They were like flying disco balls. There was a stage at the far side of the room which had dark green curtains closed over it. In front of the stage was a wooden dance floor and couples were dancing around it joyfully. Tables and chairs were dotted around the room on a thick carpet. The carpet was a dark green colour which matched the stage curtain. I looked closer at the carpet beneath my feet and saw it was decorated with yellow and green butterflies. Brimstone butterflies. That was a nice touch.

  Once I’d taken in the room itself, I concentrated on the many beings around me. I wish I knew more about each creature then I’d be able to mentally name them. As it was, all my brain could make out were beings in all shapes and sizes, and in all colours. Some were flying around the room, some were hovering inches above the floor, a couple of them were sporting two heads, and there was more than one with two or three sets of limbs.

  There was a wonderful sense of joy and lightness in the room. Creatures were chatting and laughing with each other. They were dancing and singing along to the cheerful songs being played. All in all, they were having a great time.

  Luca leant in close to me and said, “Do you know your mouth is hanging open? Would you like me to shut it for you?”

  I snapped my mouth shut. “No, thank you. Luca, can you name everyone here? Do you know what kind of creatures they are?”

  “Yes, and yes. Would you like me to tell you about them now? It could take a while.”

  “Maybe later. I would like to know more about them.”

  Luca steered me towards an empty table in the corner of the room. He pulled my chair out for me and said, “This table is secluded enough for you to have a good stare at everyone.”

  I was about to argue that I wouldn’t be staring at anyone, but what was the point in lying?

  Someone tall and thin came over to our table. She moved smoothly as if wearing wheels. She looked familiar.

  She stopped at our table and said, “Good evening, can I get you something to drink?”

  Luca said, “Cassia, this is Gisela. She owns this club. She’s the sister of Gilda who owns Mooncrest Café.”

  “Oh! Of course,” I said. “You look like each other.”

  Gisela smiled. “That has been said many times. May I?” She held a hand out towards me.

  “Do you have the same gift that Gilda has? Will you be able to tell what drink I’d like?”

  Gisela nodded. “And I’ll be able to tell you what drink is weak enough for you to take. Some of my customers like their drinks extremely strong. I wouldn’t want to give you anything like that.” She placed her hand on my shoulder for a few seconds and then smiled. “Perfect. I’ll get that for you.”

  Luca said, “I’ll have whatever Cassia’s having.”

  I pointed towards the stage curtains. “Are the Trinity Twins coming out soon? Tell me about them.”

  “Nope. It’s going to be a surprise. You love surprises.”

  “I don’t.”

  Concern came into Luca’s eyes. “You used to love surprises. What happened?”

  I shrugged. “I like to know what’s happening at all times. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  Gisela glided back to our table with a tray in her hands. She placed a large glass of something in front of me and a similar one in front of Luca.

  I scrunched my nose up at the muddy-looking concoction. “What is it?”

  “It’s my own recipe. It’s a mixtur
e of melted chocolate and fizzy wine.”

  My nose wrinkled even more. “I hope you don’t mind me saying, but that sounds disgusting.”

  She winked at me. “Try it.” She floated away.

  I took a tentative sip of the drink. Delicious warm chocolate flowed over my tongue. Bubbles popped inside my mouth and a strawberry flavoured fizzy wine joined the chocolate. It did sound disgusting, but it was absolutely amazing. It was like a party in my mouth. I swallowed the mixture, and the party continued in my stomach as bubbles continued to pleasantly pop.

  I licked my lips in appreciation and noticed Luca giving me a fond smile.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You look as if you’re enjoying that.”

  “I am. Try it.”

  Luca did so. I smiled as I saw the anxious look on his face replaced with one of surprise, and then joy.

  He licked his lips and said, “That is the best drink I’ve ever had. I’ll order us some more soon.”

  The music in the room stopped and an expectant hush came over everyone.

  “What’s happening?” I whispered to Luca.

  He pointed to the stage and said, “The show’s about to begin.”

  Chapter 10

  The green stage curtains moved back, and a spotlight lit up the middle of the stage. A tall, cloaked man stalked onto the stage dragging a wailing woman in a long dress behind him. When the man reached the middle of the stage, he threw the woman to the floor and turned to the audience. His eyes glowed red and he bared his fangs as he hissed loudly.

  I grabbed Luca and whispered, “Who is he? What’s he going to do to that poor woman?”

  Luca grinned and seemed to be enjoying my fear. “He’s a vampire, and he’s going to kill that woman. Or should I say, victim? Keep watching.”

  “He’s going to kill her? Right in front of everyone? Is this some sort of ritualistic sacrifice that goes on in Brimstone?”

  Luca’s grin faded. He whispered, “Cassia, you’re starting to shout. It’s only an act. I’d hardly let a murder be committed right in front of me, would I?”

  “I suppose not.”

  I looked back at the vampire who was taunting his victim by prodding his heeled boot on her back. The woman turned her anguished face his way and pleaded with him to stop. In answer, the vampire pulled her to her feet, pushed her long hair away from her neck and sank his teeth into her neck. The woman’s wails sent shivers down my spine.

  The audience cheered in delight. I frowned at them. What was wrong with them?

  The woman on stage declared that she would never become his slave and that she’d rather die. The vampire gave her a look full of hate and then whipped a sword out from beneath his cloak. He held it high above the terrified woman.

  Luca nudged me. His voice was full of glee as he said, “This is the best bit.”

  The spotlight caught the edge of the sword as the vampire flourished it in the air. Then, all of a sudden, he slashed his sword towards the woman’s exposed neck and cut her head right off.

  Yes, he cut her head right off. I stopped breathing at this part.

  Worse was to come.

  The vampire let out an evil laugh, picked up the severed head and threw it into the audience.

  Just as luck would have it, the severed head landed right in front of me.

  That is when I passed out.

  I felt someone shaking me, and when I opened my eyes I found myself wrapped in the arms of Luca. There was concern in his eyes along with a hint of amusement.

  He said, “Cassia, are you alright?”

  I mumbled, “The head. The severed head.”

  Luca put his hand on the side of my head and turned it so I could look at the decapitated head which was still on the table. He said, “Watch.”

  He kept his hand on my head so I didn’t have a choice but to watch.

  The head on the table began to glow. There was a ‘poof’ noise and the head exploded. Dozens of Brimstone butterflies flew out of the explosion. They flapped their wings as if giving a round of applause. As soon as that happened, the audience joined in with the clapping.

  Luca released me and clapped too. He laughed and said, “Wasn’t that amazing? I can’t believe we were lucky enough to have the head land on our table. Isn’t this wonderful?”

  “No, it isn’t. I think it’s sick. It’s not at all entertaining. What happened to that woman? Is she dead? Has someone dragged her mutilated body off the stage?” I could feel my voice rising, but I didn’t care. Throwing a decapitated head through the air was not my idea of entertainment.

  The clapping died down and Luca told me to look at the stage again.

  I folded my arms and pressed my lips tightly together to let him know I wasn’t amused.

  The vampire was standing in the middle of the stage glowering at everyone. The woman on the floor suddenly jumped to her feet and her head reappeared. She laughed and gave the vampire at her side a friendly push. The vampire laughed too and flung off his cloak to reveal a white jumpsuit shot through with streaks of glittering gold. The woman whipped off her dress to show she was wearing a white leotard which was decorated with glittering silver sequins. They held hands and bowed. This was followed by more applause.

  I said to Luca, “Is that it? Is that their show? I don’t mean to be rude, but I didn’t think much of it.”

  “That was just the beginning,” Luca explained. “That was just to get the audience’s attention. The real magic begins now. The Trinity Twins are vampires, but they’re also amazing acrobats. The man is Zeke, and his sister is called Zuleika.”

  Gisela silently appeared at our table and put two more of the delicious drinks down. She said to me, “You look as if you need this. I had the same reaction as you when I first saw Zuleika’s head flying through the air. I’ve made this drink a bit stronger for you.”

  “Thank you.” I pulled the drink towards me and took a big sip. The popping bubbles in my mouth did cheer me up slightly.

  The Trinity Twins began their acrobatic act. I was ready to hate the whole thing just because I was still mad over the head incident. But it wasn’t long before I was mesmerised by their antics. They truly were amazing as they flung themselves effortlessly around the stage.

  Zeke had a twirling Zuleika balanced on his hand at one point. Then they swapped places and Zuleika was the one holding Zeke - while she was wearing a blindfold.

  Their act included eating fire, setting each other on fire, cutting limbs off, juggling with the limbs, walking on a tightrope backwards while blindfolded and bound in a straightjacket.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off them and was sure one of them was going to die at any moment. Thankfully, they ended up in one piece at the end of their act. As they bowed and received more applause, I gulped down the last of my drink.

  Luca noticed and said, “Steady on, that’s strong stuff.”

  “I need it. My nerves are shot from watching that show. I didn’t like the limb hacking off part at all.”

  “Everyone else did,” Luca pointed out.

  “Gruesome bunch. Are the other acts like this? I’m not sure my stomach can take it.”

  “No, the others are tame in comparison.” He cast me a fond look. “Do you want to go home? Has this been too much for you? I keep forgetting that you haven’t been here for years.”

  “I can stay a bit longer,” I told him. “You can tell me about your work as a guardian.”

  “No. We’re not talking about work tonight.” His attention was drawn to the front of the room. He frowned. “Although, I might need to have a quiet word with Uriah again.”

  “Uriah? Who’s he?” I craned my neck to where Luca was looking.

  I saw the back of a dark-haired man sitting at a table in front of the stage. He was shouting something and jabbing his finger aggressively at the Trinity Twins as they took their final bow.

  “What’s his problem?” I asked Luca.

  “Everything’s his problem. He’s calle
d Uriah Firenze. He’s a vampire from a long established family. He hates what the Trinity Twins are doing and claims they’re ruining the reputation of vampires. He shouts at them all the time, even when he sees them on the street. He hates them with a vengeance. He’s been banned from this club because of his antics. I don’t know how he got past Steve at the door.”

  “Why does he hate them so much?”

  Luca gave me a wry smile. “Uriah Firenze hates everyone. He doesn’t agree with how creatures mix together in Brimstone. He thinks everyone should keep to their own kind. And he doesn’t like it when supernatural creatures do things that their ancestors didn’t. He disapproves of change and modern ways. He’s caused many a disturbance in town with his verbal attacks on the residents here. Your gran’s spoken to him about it many times. He never listens.”

  I looked closer at Uriah Firenze. He pulled a book from his jacket and opened it. I said to Luca, “What’s he doing now?”

  “He’s writing down the details of the crimes he thinks have been committed. He’s got everyone’s names in that book of his. When he meets them on the streets, he takes his book out and yells out their so-called crimes.”

  Uriah was using a red marker to write in his book.

  “Luca, do you think Uriah is capable of committing a crime himself? Perhaps breaking into a bookshop and vandalising books?”

  Luca’s brow creased in confusion so I told him about my meeting with Basil.

  Luca said, “I wouldn’t put it past him. He’s been acting more strange over the last month. But so has everyone else. I’ll go over there and have a word with him.”

  I didn’t know whether it was the wine talking or that I’d found an ounce of courage somewhere, but I put my hand on his arm and said calmly, “I’m a justice witch. I’ll deal with this.”

  I stood up and walked quickly away, aware of Luca telling me to be careful.

  Chapter 11

  I moved straight over to Uriah’s table, took a seat and declared, “I want to talk to you.”