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Brimstone Witch Mysteries - Box Set 1 Page 24

  Stanley said, “Don’t forget about finding Alan’s body in Blythe’s garden. Didn’t you say Kitty wanted to fly over Blythe’s house?”

  “She did. Gran, is this really true about Kitty bringing me good luck?”

  “Was Kitty with you when these incidents occurred?”

  “She was.” I frowned. “Stanley, do you remember when we took Kitty to the café and it was busy. All of a sudden, there was an empty table.”

  “That’s right,” Stanley replied. “And you got the last bit of chocolate cake. That ogre was furious.”

  Gran said, “Tell me more about the ogre.”

  I explained, “He wanted the last bit of cake, but he was too late. When he was talking to us, he got his finger stuck up his nose and ended up being thrown out into the street.” I paused. “Did he get a dose of bad luck? Was that because I got the good luck, Gran?”

  “It is. You told me Lifin injured himself when you found him.”

  I nodded. “He hurt himself again when we found that piece of material in the bushes.” Realisation dawned on me. “The piece that I didn’t find the first time I was there because Kitty wasn’t with me.”

  Stanley added, “As soon as we found Treto, he ran into that tree and broke his leg.”

  Gran said, “As your good luck increases, Cassia, the bad luck for others increases too.” She reached over and put her hand on top of mine. “If you keep Kitty close to you, things will get better for you, but worse for others. Much, much worse.”

  Kitty looked my way from Luca’s hands and raised her paw in a wave.

  “I don’t understand,” I said. “Why would Kitty do that? She doesn’t look evil.”

  “She isn’t. She didn’t enter your life on purpose. She’s too little to understand her powers. Someone placed Kitty in your broomstick yesterday. Someone knew the effect she would have on you.”

  “But why?” I rubbed my forehead. “Why would someone want me to have good luck?”

  Luca said, “The thing with these creatures is that you begin to rely on their good luck. For the creature to continue giving you good luck, you have to eventually pay a price.” He paused for a second. “The price is your soul.”

  “My soul? Kitty wants my soul? What’s she going to do with it?”

  Gran said, “Kitty doesn’t know what she’s doing. It’s just her nature to give you good fortune. She’s not aware she’s doing it. I think there’s another reason behind this besides wanting your soul. You’re not going to like it.”

  “I don’t like any of what you’ve told me so far,” I said.

  “I think someone targeted you on purpose. They wanted you to be seen having good luck. Unbelievably good luck. And they wanted to make sure those around you received a tremendous amount of bad luck. If that happened, what do you think the residents of Brimstone would think?”

  It didn’t take me long to figure that out. My shoulders dropped. “They’d think I was using my magic to my own advantage, and that I was using magic on them too.”

  Gran nodded. “Treto thought you used magic on him which resulted in his accident. He was threatening to tell everyone what you’d done. It wouldn’t take long for rumours like that to spread. You would soon lose respect around here. You might even be forced to leave.”

  My shoulders dropped even more. “That’s awful. Why would someone do that to me?”

  Stanley said, “The murderer! They must have planted Kitty in your broomstick. They must have known we’d investigate the area where Selo died and waited for us. Perhaps Alan did it! He could have been there under his invisible cloak when we were there.” He shivered. “I don’t like the sound of that.”

  Kitty looked up at Luca and said, “Can I fly now? Is my mummy here?”

  “Not yet, little one.” Luca gave her a big smile. He looked over at Gran. “Esther, I think it’s time to contact Kitty’s mum.”

  Gran nodded. “Do you know who she is?”

  “I do. There’s only one Aitvaras in Brimstone. She’s called Gepru, and she lives far away.”

  “How do you know that?” I asked.

  “She’s a shapeshifter, and it’s my duty as a guardian to know where all shapeshifters live. I’ve only met Gepru once. She stays away from Brimstone town because of the powers she’s got.” He smiled again at Kitty. “I didn’t know she’d had a baby. She must be worried sick about her. I’ll send a butterfly message straight away.”

  Luca stood up and walked to the nearest butterfly tree. There are many trees in Brimstone which are covered in the lovely butterflies. The butterflies are always ready to send messages. I heard Luca talking softly to Kitty as they walked away.

  Gran still had her hand over mine. She squeezed it and said, “We’ll find out who placed Kitty in your broomstick. Be thankful you found out about her powers now before someone got seriously hurt.” She took her hand back.

  Stanley shuffled closer to me and leant against my arm. He said, “I don’t know what to think. I can’t believe Kitty was giving out all that good luck and bad luck. Who would do such a nasty thing to you, Cassia?”

  I tried to feel angry, but I couldn’t. I felt incredibly sad that Kitty had been used like that. It was cruel.

  I looked at Luca’s retreating back and said, “I wish I could give Kitty a cuddle.”

  “You mustn’t,” Gran said. “You have to keep your distance. For your sake and ours.”

  Chapter 18

  Stanley and I watched silently as Luca and Kitty approached a butterfly tree at the other side of the town square. Luca held his hand out and summoned a butterfly. He gave it a message and then held it near Kitty. I saw her adding her own message and wondered what she was saying.

  The butterfly flew away at an amazing speed. I’ve never seen one move that fast before. Luca began to walk slowly around the square, talking to Kitty in his arms as he did so.

  “Why isn’t Luca coming back here?” I asked Gran.

  “He’s keeping Kitty away from you. He knows her powers are increasing.”

  I blinked rapidly. “Won’t I be able to cuddle her again? Not even once?”


  “What about stroking her little head? Can’t I do that?”


  Stanley sniffed and looked away.

  I continued with my pleas, “Can I say goodbye to her?”

  “It would be better if you didn’t.” Gran looked at Stanley and said to him, “You can get closer to Kitty. She’s not affecting you.”

  Stanley lifted his furry chin. “If Cassia can’t go near her, then I won’t either. It wouldn’t be fair.”

  I smiled at him. “You are a good friend, Stanley.”

  He gave me a bashful look.

  “Gran, what will Kitty’s mother look like? Will she be in her dragon form?” I gulped. “Will she be mad at me?”

  “I imagine she’ll be furious, but not at you. I’ve no doubt Kitty was placed in your broomstick on purpose. I’m sure Gepru will understand.” Gran looked towards the skies. “I can feel she’s on her way.”

  I looked to where Gran had her attention. I could see a tiny speck in the distance moving towards us. The speck soon got bigger, and I made out the shape of a dragon. A very big dragon.

  I looked over to where Luca and Kitty were. They were standing outside a sweet shop and Luca was pointing to things in the window. They hadn’t noticed Gepru’s imminent arrival. Perhaps they should stay where they were. If Gepru was going to shout at me, I didn’t want Kitty to witness it.

  Gepru landed a short distance away and folded her wings up. She gave herself a shake and turned into a black cat with white paws. She moved wearily towards us. She was a large cat, about twice the size of Stanley. Her fur was matted and dirty, and she looked as if she hadn’t slept for days. There was a terrible sadness about her, but I detected the slightest flicker of hope in her too.

  Gepru dragged herself over to us and collapsed on the ground. Stanley and I rushed to her side. Gepru’s e
yes were closed and her mouth hung limply open.

  I whispered to Stanley, “Is she dead?”

  He sniffed her. “No, but she’s barely alive. Can you do something for her?”

  My hands shook as I raised them over the prone creature. “I’m not sure what I should be doing.”

  Gran called out, “Just a minute, let me help.” She picked something up and walked over to us. She knelt at Gepru’s side and placed a bowl of water in front of her. Gran waved her hand over the water and mumbled something. She said, “I’ve added strength and energy to this water, along with some healing powers. This poor thing looks as if she needs it.”

  Gran put her finger in the water and then ran her finger over Gepru’s lips. Gepru groaned and opened her eyes. Gran lifted the bowl and gently tipped it so that a trickle of water ran into Gepru’s mouth. Gepru swallowed it and some of the tiredness left her face. She sat up straighter and Gran put the bowl in front of her. It was emptied by Gepru within seconds.

  Gran said, “Is that better? Are you hurt anywhere? Do you need anything else?”

  “My baby,” Gepru said. “I need my baby. Is she here? I got a message saying she was.”

  “There she is.” I pointed to the opposite side of the square where Luca and Kitty were now looking in the toyshop window. They were oblivious to what was going on over here.

  Gepru let out an anguished cry and closed her eyes. “Thank the mountains for that!” She opened her eyes. “Is she okay? Is she well?”

  Stanley said, “She’s fine. Cassia and I have been looking after her. We fed her and played games. I sang her some songs.”

  “I sang to her too,” I said. “We’re so sorry. We didn’t take Kitty on purpose. She got stuck in my broomstick.”

  “Kitty? Who’s Kitty?” Gepru asked.

  I blushed. “Oh, I’m sorry, but we named her. We didn’t want to keep calling her ‘the kitten’. Sorry again.”

  “You don’t need to apologise for anything. You’ve got a good heart, I can sense it.” Gepru nodded. “Kitty. I like that name. I haven’t given her a formal name yet. I’ve been calling her Baby. Yes, I think I’ll keep Kitty as her name. You mentioned a broomstick. How did Kitty get in there? And where was this?”

  I gave Gepru the full details. She listened patiently but I could see the anger growing in her eyes. I also noticed a puff of smoke coming out of her nostrils.

  Gepru said, “Someone put Kitty in your broomstick on purpose. Kitty was stolen from our home in the mountains last week when I was asleep. I’ve been searching high and low for her ever since. I never thought for a moment she’d be in Brimstone. This is a good town. No one here would ever steal one of our kind, and a kitten at that.”

  Gran said, “I suspect Cassia was targeted because she’s a witch, and a justice witch at that.”

  “That makes sense,” Gepru said with a small nod. “I know of a young witch who was targeted the same way, it was years ago. A rival placed one of my kind outside the young witch’s door. She let it in and soon became close to it. It wasn’t long before she came into a small fortune, but it was at the expense of three other witches dying. The people in her town turned against her and threatened to take her life. As far as I know, the young witch ran away and was never heard of again.” Gepru gave me a direct look. “That’s what the people of her town said. I think something more sinister happened to the young witch. People wanted their revenge.”

  “But Kitty’s so lovely!” I burst out. “She couldn’t possibly cause that much mischief for me.”

  “She could,” Gepru said. “She wouldn’t do it on purpose. And your good luck would only increase when her wings came in.”

  “I think her wings are coming in,” I said. I explained to Gepru about the ridges I’d found on Kitty’s back.

  Gepru shook her head. “The little scamp. I’ll have to get on with her flying lessons immediately.” She looked over to where Luca and Kitty were. “I’ll collect her now. Thank you for taking such good care of her. I apologise for what you’ve been through. Someone’s played a wicked trick on you.”

  “And on you by stealing Kitty,” I pointed out.

  “Do you know who did it?” Gepru asked. “I’m not one for taking revenge, but I would like to know who it was.”

  “I have a few suspicions. I can let you know when I find out for sure.”

  “Thank you.” Gepru started to move away from us.

  I followed her.

  Gran put a hand out to stop me. “Cassia, you can’t go near Kitty.”

  “But I have to say goodbye.”

  “You can’t. I’m sorry.” Gran kept a firm hold of me.

  Gepru trotted across the square. Luca turned around. Kitty shrieked with delight when she saw her mum.

  “Can’t I go a bit closer and shout a goodbye?” I asked desperately.

  “No. Sorry.”

  I looked at Stanley and said, “You go and say goodbye for us. Please.”

  He shook his head. His voice was thick with emotion as he replied, “I don’t do goodbyes. I can’t say goodbye to Kitty. I just can’t.” He turned away. “I’m going back to the apartment. I can’t bear to watch Kitty leave.”

  As Stanley ran towards the apartment, I heard sobs coming from him.

  Tears rolled down my cheeks and my vision blurred. I could make out Gepru and Kitty across the square. Gepru was licking Kitty behind the ears and Kitty was squealing with joy. I was pleased that mother and daughter were reunited, but my heart was breaking at the thought of Kitty leaving.

  More tears flowed from my eyes. I muttered to Gran, “I have to go. I’m falling to pieces here. I’m going to be a blubbering wreck very soon.”

  Gran gave me a swift hug. “I’ll catch up with you later.”

  I turned away from her, grabbed my broomstick and jogged towards the apartment. My vision was still swimming and I hoped I wouldn’t trip over anything.

  Kitty called out, “Cassia! Come back! Mummy’s here! We can go flying together. Cassia!”

  I felt my heart breaking at her words. I kept my head down and raced forwards. Once I was safely inside the apartment, I slammed the door behind me, threw my broomstick to one side, and sank to the floor. I put my head in my hands and let the tears flow.

  Chapter 19

  I’d been crying for a about a minute when I felt a nudge on my leg. I looked down and saw Stanley there.

  He said, “No more tears, Cassia. You’ve shed enough today.”

  I wiped my eyes. “You’re right about that. I feel like a leaky pipe today.” I sighed heavily. “We’ve only known Kitty a little while, but she became part of our family so quickly. I’m going to miss her.”

  “I know. Me too. It’s for the best; you know that. Kitty’s back with her mum where she belongs. And Gepru has her baby back. That’s the most important thing.” He shook his head sadly. “I can’t believe someone would do this to you.”

  “We’re dealing with a murderer, don’t forget.” My attention went to Kitty’s bowl. My eyes filled up with tears again. What was wrong with me today? Hadn’t I cried enough?

  I pointed to the bowl and said, “I’ll take that back to Gilda later on.”

  “No, I think we should keep it to remind us what the murderer did to you. Or tried to do.” There was anger in his voice which I hadn’t heard before. He continued, “We’ll keep the bowl to spur us on. We’ll find out who the despicable creature is who stole Kitty from her mum.” His back arched and his eyes narrowed. “Just wait till I get my paws on them!”

  I reached out and stroked his curved back. “Stanley, calm down. I’ve never seen you like this before. What’s wrong with you? Is it the air in Brimstone? Are you picking up on the black magic that’s going around?”

  Stanley relaxed his back. “I don’t know. I do feel angry, though. I don’t like it, I feel out of control. Cassia, when we’ve solved Selo’s murder, can we go home? Back to Gran’s house? I think we’ve been spending too much time in Brimstone.”

  “I think that’s a good idea.” I pulled him close and gave him a hug. I didn’t let him go until he started to purr.

  “Right,” I said. “Let’s get this murder sorted out. I’ve got a few things going through my head that I need to sort out. Writing them down always helps.” I stood up and added, “A cup of tea would help me too. Would you like something to drink?”

  Stanley didn’t answer. He was gazing at the bowl as if hypnotized by it.

  “Stanley? Did you hear me?”

  “What?” He looked my way.

  “What’s going through your mind? Is it something to do with Kitty?”

  “It is.” He took a moment before continuing. “What if it wasn’t the murderer who planted Kitty in your broomstick?”

  I shrugged. “Who else could it be?”


  “Astrid? Why do you say that?”

  Stanley explained, “Luca said that only guardians know where other shapeshifters live. Astrid’s a guardian, so she would know about Gepru and where she lives.”

  I nodded. “That is possible. But does Astrid hate me enough to do something like that?”

  As soon as the question was out, I knew the answer.

  Stanley said, “She does hate you. I can sense it on her every time I’m near her. She doesn’t want you anywhere near Luca. Ruining your reputation as a witch would cause you to leave Brimstone. That would get you out of Luca’s life permanently.”

  “I’m not sure she’d do something like that. Would she?”

  Stanley gave me a solemn look. “You know the answer to that. You can feel the evil on her too. Admit it.”

  “I don’t want to. It’s too awful to think about.” I was about to walk towards the table when there was a thudding at the door. I yelped and jumped backwards.

  Stanley hissed, “It’s Astrid! She’s here to finish you off.”