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The Silent Banshee (A Brimstone Witch Mystery Book 5) Page 16

  “Aren’t you going to buy me some cake too?”

  Astrid was standing at the door with her hands on her hips and a cold expression on her face. How did she manage to appear so quietly out of nowhere?

  She took a slow step forward. “I didn’t know you were back, Luca. I thought you might have told me you were coming back seeing as I’m your girlfriend.”

  Luca’s expression hardened. “We need to have a serious talk about our relationship, Astrid, but not here.”

  “I’ll decide what happens with our relationship!” Astrid snapped. She turned her cold eyes my way. “Well, Cassia, I’ve heard that you found Dana’s murderer. Good for you. Have you told Luca how I helped you?”

  “Not yet. I haven’t had the chance to.” I recoiled at the hate in her eyes. She’d looked at me with hate before, but never this intense. “How’s your grandad?”

  She gave me a dismissive shrug. “He’s back where he belongs. They’ll have him drugged up and quiet in no time.” A nasty twinkle came into her eyes. “I’m glad you spoke to him earlier. I’m glad he mentioned your mum. It’s time you knew the truth about her.”

  “Astrid!” Luca shot out a warning. “This isn’t the time or place.”

  “It’s time Cassia knew the truth,” Astrid said gleefully. “I want to be the one to tell her. I know Blythe said she has to be the one to tell her, but she’s not here, is she? But I am.”

  I looked at Luca. “What is she talking about? I want to know.”

  Luca picked Stanley up and put him on my knee. He gently moved Oliver to one side and stood up. He advanced on Astrid and said, “I want you to leave right now.”

  “You can’t tell me what to do! No one can.” Astrid raised her hands towards Luca and a white light shot out. It enveloped Luca and he stopped in his tracks.

  “What have you done to him?” I yelled. “Let him go! Now!”

  Astrid shook her head and laughed. “No. I like it when he’s defenceless. He can’t move, but he can hear us and see us. I promised him I wouldn’t tell you what everyone here in Brimstone knows. But I think it’s time you knew the truth about your mum.”

  A cold feeling of dread washed over me and I pulled Stanley closer. I could feel his little body trembling. I said to Astrid, “I don’t want to know anything about Mum from you. What happened to you trying to make amends for what you’ve done?”

  She gave me a scornful look. “You never believed that for a second. I could see it in your eyes. By the way, thanks for saving my life. You’ll soon wish you hadn’t. I was playing for time by pretending to help you. Thankfully, I’ve now had all the time I needed and my plans are nicely in place.”

  Oliver jumped off the sofa and cried out, “Leave this house immediately! Esther will be furious when she hears what you’ve done!”

  “If she ever comes back. Don’t interrupt me.” Astrid gave him an annoyed look and then aimed a white flash of light at him. Oliver froze.

  Stanley yelled out, “Hey! Leave my brother alone.”

  Astrid sighed and rolled her eyes. “I really can’t be bothered with this. I’ve got things to do.” Without any warning, she aimed a white flash our way and I found myself unable to move. It was like a horrifying dream where you can’t wake up even though your mind is fully aware of what’s going on. I attempted to send magic into my fingers, but nothing happened.

  Astrid came closer and said, “My spell will only work on you for a few minutes. Let me say what I have to, and then I’ll be off.” She settled herself on the carpet in front of me and gave me a wide smile.

  I could only stare at her. No part of my body would move. My mind was working overtime and trying to recall those spells I’d seen in Blythe’s magic books. I’d never felt so powerless in my life. I couldn’t even turn my head to make sure Stanley was alright.

  I heard the front door opening. Brin called out, “I’m going out for a few hours. See you later.” The door closed.

  Astrid said, “I’m glad she’s gone. I don’t want to be interrupted. Let’s get your mum’s secret out of the way. Grandad said he was glad you’d forgiven him. Who’s the ‘him’ you wonder? And have you forgiven him? Why no, you haven’t, because you don’t know what he’s done. Grandad was getting confused over that part. Silly Grandad.” The malice in her eyes increased and I could see she was enjoying every moment. “Luca is the ‘him’ Grandad was talking about. It’s Luca’s fault your mum died. Ha! Isn’t that hilarious? Everyone in Brimstone knows that, but Blythe asked them to keep it a secret until she told you herself. Everyone has been looking at you with pity all these months. Isn’t that just a hoot? And what’s even funnier is that your gran knows too! She’s kept it a secret from you all these years. Some grandma she is.”

  If I could have felt my blood run cold, I’m sure that’s what would be happening now. My mind did register that Kelvin had been right with his prediction. People close to me had been deceiving me about a death.

  Astrid continued happily, “You are going to have many questions for everyone, aren’t you? I don’t blame you. Everyone has been so deceitful, especially your own grandma. You can’t trust anyone. Not even your old friend, Luca. How did he cause your mum’s death? Well, Cassia, you’ll have to ask him that. I don’t have the time to go into details. Let me tell you what I’ve been up to these past few days.”

  I felt a tingle in my little finger. Was my magic starting to work? I concentrated on the tingle and tried to intensify it.

  Astrid pulled a bottle from her pocket. “I stole four bottles of Memory Mist from Cody’s cupboard. I’ve already used three bottles. I used a bit on Blythe to convince her to confront her cousins again. I told her she had to take Esther with her. I couldn’t have those witches interfering with my plans. I needed them out of the way. I’ve used the most of the mist on residents in Brimstone. I’ve filled their heads with thoughts of hate and revenge towards their neighbours. I can’t tell you who because that will take the fun out of it when you’re inundated with murder cases. Because that’s going to happen, Cassia, I can guarantee that. I’ve whispered murderous thoughts in many ears over the last few days. Who did I visit? Was it Gilda at the café? Was it that little garden gnome who keeps talking to you? Maybe it was the good Dr Morgan? You won’t know who’s going to perform a murderous act next.” She looked Luca’s way. “I’ve been using Memory Mist on him for months. I had to keep reminding him how much he loves me.”

  I tried desperately to ignore her terrible words and I concentrated on the tingle which had spread to my other fingers.

  Astrid stood up and said, “I wish I could stay and witness the chaos I’ve caused, but I have to leave Brimstone forever. Blythe suspected her cousins had someone here helping them. She was right. It was me. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed causing problems for you and your skinny cat. But I have other towns to visit and my work here is done. I might pop back in disguise to see how you’re getting on.” She looked at the bottle in her hand and smiled. “I’m going to leave you with one last present. Well, it’s a present for me really.”

  She took the lid off the bottle and walked over to Luca. She pulled his jaw down and tipped half the contents of the bottle into it. She tugged on his ear and pulled his head close to her mouth. She whispered into his ear for a while.

  I knew her magic was wearing off me because I could feel my stomach clenching with fear. Magic was flowing into my hands now and I raised them in Astrid’s direction.

  She spun around and grinned at me. “Too slow, Cassia Winter, too slow. Bye!” She promptly vanished.

  Stanley stirred on my knee and turned tearful eyes my way. His voice shook as he said, “Cassia, I heard every evil thing she said. Did you?”

  “I did.”

  Oliver came out of his frozen state and said, “Did that really happen? Did Astrid say those terrible things? It feels like the world has just ended. Where did that evil woman go? What’s going to happen to Blythe and Esther? Cassia, what are you going to do?”

/>   I felt numb with shock and said, “I don’t know. I really don’t know.”

  Stanley said to me, “You don’t believe what she said about Luca, do you?”

  I repeated, “I don’t know. I don’t know what to think.”

  Oliver said, “Luca’s coming out of the spell now. He’ll help us. He’ll know what the truth is.”

  We all stared at Luca expectantly as he blinked and turned his head our way.

  He took in his surroundings and said, “What just happened? Why am I in Blythe’s house?”

  I stood up with Stanley in my arms and said, “We can explain everything. Luca, we really need your help.”

  Luca frowned. “Who are you? Have we met?”

  Fear clutched my heart. “It’s me, Cassia. We’re friends.”

  Luca shook his head. “I’ve never seen you before in my life. Where’s Blythe? I want to talk to her.”

  I put my hand on his arm. “Blythe is out of town. Luca, you must remember me. I’m Cassia, and this is Stanley.”

  Luca gave me a cold look and pushed my hand off his arm. “I don’t know who you are, but I don’t think you should be in Blythe’s house if she isn’t here. Shall I show you out or can you manage that yourself?”

  Stanley called out, “Luca! It’s me! Your old friend!”

  Luca marched out of the room. We went after him and found him at the front door holding it open.

  “Leave now,” he ordered. “I don’t want to see you anywhere near this house or me again.”

  I stared helplessly at Luca as I walked past him. This was Astrid’s parting gift to me. Oliver trotted after us. The door was slammed behind us.

  Stanley said, “What just happened? Am I having a nightmare?”

  I said, “I’m having the same nightmare.”

  Stanley’s voice was hoarse with emotion as he said, “He doesn’t remember me. I’m his friend, but he doesn’t know it.”

  I cuddled Stanley and said, “Everything is going to be alright. Things will sort themselves out one way or another.”

  “Do you promise? Can you use magic to sort things out? You have to do something. You have to.” He laid his head on my chest.

  My throat was too choked with fear for me to reply. My whole world had come crashing down. Gran and Blythe had gone. Luca didn’t know me. Astrid had made sure I couldn’t trust anyone in Brimstone anymore.

  I looked out helplessly towards the town square.

  And then a butterfly fluttered towards me. A beautiful, pale yellow Brimstone butterfly. She landed on my shoulder and whispered in my ear, “You can do this, Cassia. You can save Brimstone. We will help you.”

  The flapping of her wings sent a flicker of hope into my heart along with a smidgeon of determination.

  Yes, I could save Brimstone. But how?

  About the author

  I live in a county called Yorkshire, England with my family. This area is known for its paranormal activity and haunted dwellings. I love all things supernatural and think there is more to this life than can be seen with our eyes.

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  Many thanks to Paula for her proofreading work: Paula Proofreader

  Warm wishes

  April Fernsby

  The Brimstone Witch Mysteries:

  Book 1 - Murder Of A Werewolf

  Book 2 - As Dead As A Vampire

  Book 3 - The Centaur’s Last Breath

  Book 4 - The Sleeping Goblin

  Free short story - The Leprechaun’s Last Trick

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  The Silent Banshee

  A Brimstone Witch Mystery

  (Book 5)


  April Fernsby

  Copyright 2017 by April Fernsby

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, electronically or mechanically without permission from the author.