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brimstone witch 08 - death of a rainbow nymph Page 15

  With that, I flew away and headed back to Gran’s apartment. There was something I needed to check on urgently.

  Chapter 29

  It was getting dark by the time I returned to the apartment. I didn’t have time to consider calling it a day and getting into my pyjamas. I had too much to do. I made myself a strong cup of coffee and took up my previous position at the table.

  I went through Metise’s messages again and made notes of certain things. I jotted some things down from her notebook too. Once I’d done that, I looked through some of Gran’s spell books which she kept here. I nodded as I found what I was looking for and I made some more notes. There were some illustrations in the books so I snapped them using my phone. The images would come in useful later.

  We had many books on the beings who lived in Brimstone. I located the one I needed and was soon immersed in its contents. I wrote down my relevant observations and then decided to make myself another cup of coffee. This was going to be a long night.

  I was desperately missing Stanley and his face kept popping into my mind. I wished I could share my findings with him. He was good at picking up on things I missed.

  There was a knock at the door. It was Dr Morgan.

  As she came into the apartment, she pointed to the cup in my hand and said, “I hope that is decaf. You need to have a good night’s sleep.”

  “I don’t have time to sleep. Are you here to check up on me?”

  “In a medical manner, yes. And also as a friend.” She noticed the papers strewn across the desk. “Have you worked out who the murderer is yet?”

  I gave her a grim look. “Yes, I think so. Do you want to know what I’ve discovered so far? I could do with a second opinion.”

  “Yes, but only after I’ve checked you over. Put that coffee down for a minute.”

  Dr Morgan checked me over and declared me to be fit and well. She came over to the table with me and I took her through my findings.

  She nodded. “It all makes sense now.”

  I took a drink of coffee before saying, “There’s more.”

  I told her about Stanley and Luca.

  Dr Morgan was shocked and shook her head in disbelief. “This is terrible. I can’t imagine Stanley being like that with you. You two are best friends. And as for Luca!” She told me something which added to my mounting evidence about the murderer.

  As soon as Dr Morgan left, I gathered my relevant notes together and left the apartment. I glanced at the time as I did so. It was 10 p.m. It was late to be calling on beings, but I had a job to do.

  I flew by the light of the moon over to Wade Youngblood’s house. He opened the door before I’d even landed. He took me inside and settled me on the sofa.

  He sat next to me and said, “I’ve been expecting you. I couldn’t stop thinking about Metise after you left. Once I’d copied those messages of hers out, something struck me. It was the plant name.”

  I nodded. “I know what you’re going to say. The spelling of the plant threw me at first. Then I remembered how some of her words had appeared incorrectly in the rainbow. I checked in Gran’s books and I found the right name of the plant.”

  “Sherbit Vine?” Wade asked.

  “Sherbit Vine,” I confirmed. I showed him the image on my phone.

  Wade nodded. “That’s it. Do you know what it does?”

  “I do. Once I’d discovered that, everything fell into place.” I pulled my case notes out of my pocket and showed them to Wade.

  He read them and said, “I know what you can do next. Or rather, who you can talk to next. There are a lot of them, and they live in many different towns. It’ll take you hours to talk to them all.”

  I knew who he was talking about. “That’s okay. I’m not tired.”

  Wade suddenly moved closer to me and sniffed me. He said, “I can smell coffee on you, but something else too. It’s something to do with your flow of magic.” He narrowed his eyes and peered at an area above my head. “Yes, I can see the healing colours surrounding you. Cassia, what happened to you? Why have you had to use so much healing power on yourself?”

  “Nothing.” I turned away from his penetrating gaze.

  He put his hands on my cheeks and turned my head so that I was looking at him. His eyes bore into me and it felt like he was reading my mind. After a minute, he gasped and released my face.

  “You fell off your broomstick because of me!” he exclaimed.

  “How do you know that?” I shifted in my seat. I was not a fan of mind readers.

  “I can see it in your memory. You nearly died because of my spell. What an idiot I am! What an imbecile! I should have my witch status renounced immediately.” He held his hands out. “Lock me up. Never let me see the sun again. I don’t deserve it.”

  I patted his hands. “There’s no need to be so dramatic. I’m fine and Dr Morgan got to use some special equipment.” I paused. “If you feel that guilty, you could help me with something.”

  Wade lowered his hands. “Anything.”

  Chapter 30

  By the time I returned to the Enchanted Forest, it was early morning and I’d been awake all night. I didn’t dare think about all the coffee I’d consumed. Wade had worked just as hard as me through the night. He’d offered to come with me to confront the murderer, but I said I’d do that on my own. I thanked him for his help and told him for the millionth time that I’d forgiven him for casting that memory spell on me. I promised to keep in touch before I flew away.

  Only a few creatures were stirring in the Enchanted Forest when I arrived. I performed a locating spell and found the animal I was looking for fast asleep under a bush. I dropped my broomstick, got to my knees and gently woke the rabbit.

  Luca blinked at me in surprise. He hopped out from under the bush, changed into his human form and helped me to my feet.

  “Cassia,” he began, “I’ve been looking all over for you. I’ve been to the apartment in town. I’ve called on your gran and Blythe. I —”

  I put my hand over his mouth and cut his words off. I put my arms around his broad shoulders and squeezed him tightly. I said loudly, “I love you so very much.” I planted a big kiss on his lips and then hugged him again. I probably smelled disgusting after being out all night and almost drowning myself in coffee. I didn’t care. I loved Luca and I wanted him to know it.

  Luca hugged me back, planted a kiss on my head and said, “I love you too. I always have.”

  I moved my head back and looked into his lovely blue eyes. I nodded. “I know.”

  He laughed. “Where have you been? Where’s Stanley?”

  I released him from my arms. “I’ll tell you about Stanley soon. I’ve got a lot to tell you.”

  His face became serious. “And I’ve got a lot to tell you.”

  “Is it about the newly-weds?”

  He nodded.

  I pointed to a nearby tree. “I’m going that way. You can tell me your news on the way.”

  Luca looked at the tree. “I was due to call on that occupant too.”

  I put my hand in his. “We’ll do this together.”

  Luca used his free hand to pick up my broomstick. I could have carried it myself, but I didn’t have much energy left. Lack of sleep was catching up with me. I just had to keep going a while longer.

  Luca and I exchanged our news as we headed towards the tree and up the steps inside.

  Cupid was sitting behind his desk when we walked into his office. His eyes widened and he hissed at me, “What’s he doing here? You know what he did to me. You know how he truly feels about you. Are you here under duress? Is that it? Has he threatened you? Use your magic on him!”

  I calmly took a seat opposite Cupid, and Luca sat on the chair next to me.

  “Morning,” Luca said brightly.

  Cupid took a sharp intake of breath and rolled his chair to one side so that he was further away from Luca. He shot me a questioning look.

  I said to Cupid, “How are you feeling after your second at

  Cupid blinked as if he’d misheard me. “Pardon? You mean when I was attacked by that evil being at your side?”

  I said, “You told Dr Morgan you’d tripped up and hit your head on the wall behind you. You didn’t tell her Luca had attacked you.”

  Cupid said in a low voice, “I didn’t want anyone to know it was your boyfriend who’d hurt me. I wanted to protect your feelings.”

  “Nonsense,” I declared. “You didn’t tell Dr Morgan because you knew she’d see straight through your lies. But me, I didn’t see through your lies. I was too shocked to think straight. That’s what you were counting on. Dr Morgan also told me the cut on your head wasn’t a deep one and the angle of it meant it could have been self-inflicted.”

  “Self-inflicted!” Cupid roared with outrage. He jabbed a finger in Luca’s direction. “It was that beast there who attacked me.”

  “I did not,” Luca said with a smile. He held his hands up. “Look at the size of these. No offence, but you’re tiny. If I’d have wanted to kill you, then I would have.”

  Cupid turned wide eyes my way. “Don’t listen to him! He’s lying.”

  “He’s not. I know he isn’t.” I reached out for Luca’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “I did believe it for a while. I’m sorry.”

  Luca turned his smile on me. “I quite understand.”

  I flashed a quick smile at Luca and then became serious. “Cupid, did you kill Metise because she knew about your secret?”

  “Kill Metise? Secret?” Cupid blustered. “Golly, you’re talking a lot of nonsense. You’ve obviously been given the wrong information somehow. Would you like something to drink before we clear this misunderstanding up?” He made a move to stand up.

  “No, we don’t want any of your poisoned drink,” I told him. “Sit back down. You’re not going anywhere.”

  A devious look came over Cupid’s face. He sat back down, rested his hands on his round tummy and began to hum softly to himself.

  I continued, “You’ve been using a plant called Sherbit Vine in the drinks you give to your clients. It’s a strong love potion and it’s illegal in Brimstone. You bought the seeds a year ago in another town and planted it in the Forest. You’ve been using it on your clients to make them fall in love with beings who are not suitable matches for them. I think you also planted suggestions on how they should act with their new partner.”

  A slow smile spread across Cupid’s face as he continued humming.

  Luca took over, “I’ve been talking to the residents who are having problems in their relationships. It took me a while, but I worked out you matched them all within the last year. Each resident I spoke to confirmed they’d been given a pink drink whilst in your office. You gave them an illegal love potion and then put a name in their minds. You then called on the other being and made sure you gave them a drink of the love potion too. I’ve seen you coming and going many times in this Forest, but I didn’t know what you were up to.”

  Cupid’s smile increased. He was really getting on my nerves now.

  I slammed my hand on the desk. “Doesn’t it bother you that the beings you put together are now fighting each other? You forced them together against their will.”

  Cupid stopped humming, gave me a shrug and said, “They were happy enough at the beginning. What they do afterwards is none of my business.”

  I shook my head at his calm response. “I’ve been up all night talking to the other Cupids. They all know about you and your success rate.”

  “One hundred percent success rate,” Cupid said proudly. “My love matches always work out. I’ve got the gift.”

  “You haven’t got the gift at all!” I shouted. “You’ve got drinks full of poison.” I took a deep breath. Shouting wasn’t going to achieve anything. “The other Cupids are jealous of your success. Is that why you did it?”

  “To begin with,” Cupid admitted. “My success rate was dropping and Val paid me a visit. She said if things didn’t improve, she’d take my title away and remove me from this town.” He waved his hand around his office. “This is my life’s work. I wasn’t going to give it up that easily. So what if I brought beings together by force? Does it really matter?”

  “Yes, it does!” My voice rose again. “You took away their free will.”

  Luca added, “Some of them have been very close to violence. You’ve made a lot of beings very miserable. They thought they had to stick together just because you said they were soulmates.”

  “And quite right too,” Cupid said with a nod. “When it comes to matters of the heart, I know best. That’s how I know you two aren’t a good match.”

  I exploded, “As if we’re going to listen to you and your warped opinions! You’ve caused countless problems with your mismatched matches! The nerve of you! The absolute cheek!”

  Luca placed a hand on my shoulder. “Cassia, don’t let him get to you.”

  “I’m trying not to.” I took a moment to compose myself. I looked at Cupid who was now smiling smugly. I said to him, “Metise knew what you were up to. She worked it out. She’s been using exploding flowers in her boots. They grow in certain parts of the Forest. I suspect they grew very near the Sherbit Vine which you planted. Did Metise see you there one day collecting the leaves of that plant?”

  Cupid raised one shoulder. “She might have.”

  I continued, “You knew she was sending messages to a witch in another land because Theodwin told you so. Did you confront Metise after she’d spotted you picking the Sherbit Vine? Did you know she’d asked her witch contact about it and what it’s used for?”

  Another raised shoulder. “That could have happened.”

  I clenched my hands in my lap. There must be a spell I could use on Cupid to get him to talk.

  Luca stood up. “Cassia, we don’t need to spend any more time here. We’ve got more than enough evidence. I’ll send word to Blythe and I’ll make sure everyone in the Forest knows what Cupid’s done and how he’s been running his business.”

  “You know nothing about my business!” Cupid spat. “Yes, that nymph did find out what I was up to. She came here to question me about it, but I denied it. Theodwin told me about her witch contact and I suspected Metise would tell the witch about my plant. I went to Metise and told her she’d better keep quiet about her suspicions concerning my business. She said she couldn’t. She knew her relationship with Theodwin wasn’t meant to be, but she thought she had to go ahead with it because I’d said they were soulmates. She said it wasn’t fair to the beings here and they should choose their own partners. The fool.”

  “When did you decide to kill her?” I asked.

  “It wasn’t my fault I had to kill her! I warned her. She had a choice. She could have kept her mouth shut. But no, she wanted to do the right thing. I saw her high up in one of the trees a few days ago. I crept up on her and I heard her muttering something about Sherbit Vine over a small pot of something. I assumed it was that invisible paint. She mentioned my name and said justice needed to be done. I was furious. I picked the pot up and threw it at her. I told her she wouldn’t be sending any more messages to anyone! She flew away, but I had my bow and arrow ready. I’m an excellent shot.” He smiled. “I waited until she was high enough, then I aimed my arrow at her. And down she went.”

  Luca said to Cupid, “Not only did you kill Metise, you tried to blame your so-called attacks on me. Blythe will take that into account when she sentences you.” He looked at me. “Cassia, could you use some magic to bind him to this chair until Blythe gets here?”

  “Of course. Don’t you want to take him straight over to Blythe’s house now?”

  “Normally, I would. But I need to talk to Mother Nature about what’s been going on with Cupid. She can call a meeting and talk to everyone involved. Then she’ll have to get in contact with Val about Cupid. I think this Forest can do without a matchmaker. Beings can make their own decisions.” He sighed heavily. “There’s been a lot of ill feeling in this Forest latel
y. I’ll have to speak to Mother Nature about that too and help her bring the residents together.”

  “Thank you,” I said to Luca. “I’ll call on Blythe later and talk to Jen Bumbleberry. She’s in one of the cells there. I think she’s been under a lot of stress recently. She might need some counselling from you.”

  Luca held his hand up. “I’ll deal with that too. I’ll tie up all the loose ends. Haven’t you got something to ask Cupid?”

  I bound Cupid to his chair using magic ropes before asking, “Did you give Stanley some of your love potion?”

  Cupid sneered. “What do you think?”

  Chapter 31

  Luca told me to leave everything concerning the murder case up to him to conclude, even the paperwork. He said, “You have to find Stanley before he leaves Brimstone forever.”

  Cupid added nastily, “I think he already has. He said something about going back to the human world. You’ll never find him there, Cassia. Never.”

  I ignored Cupid, kissed Luca on the cheek and left that evil creature’s office taking my broomstick with me.

  When I came to the bottom of the steps, I looked at the area in front of me with despair. Where should I start looking for Stanley?

  I thought about his little face and the adventures we’d had together. I tried to cast a locating spell on him using the memory of his face.

  Nothing happened.

  Perhaps he’d already left Brimstone and had gone into the human world. Perhaps I’d need to be in the human world for my locating spell to work. But what if it didn’t work there? What if I never found him?

  I shook my head. Nope. I wasn’t going to have such negative thoughts.

  I tried my locating spell again.

  This time, I imagined Stanley’s embarrassment as he started to lose his fur after our last murder investigation.

  His fur! Of course. I could use that to locate him. I reached into my pocket and was immensely thankful that I’d been wearing the same pair of jeans for days. What that said about my laundry habits was of no consequence at the moment.