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Brimstone Witch Mysteries - Box Set 1 Page 10

  Zeke’s mouth curled into a smirk. “I suppose you think Zarrina killed him. She hasn’t got it in her. She’s as meek as a newborn garden fairy now, thanks to Uriah. He tormented her relentlessly with his hateful words and destroyed her courage. She’ll never perform with us again.”

  “She might,” Zuleika said. “We mustn’t give up hope. Cassia, Zarrina’s in the conservatory behind you. She’s chosen to hide herself away from the world. She’s going through a tough time. Her confidence has totally disappeared. She might talk to you. It would do her good to see a new face.”

  Zeke snarled, “It’s not a good idea. Cassia just wants to poke her nose into our family business. She’ll do more harm than good.”

  Stanley raised his head and said firmly, “Don’t talk about Cassia like that. She’s not poking her nose in anywhere; she’s doing her job. She certainly won’t upset Zarrina. Cassia has a lovely manner about her, and people warm to her.”

  “I haven’t,” Zeke said.

  Zuleika put her hands on Zeke’s shoulders and turned him around. She said, “Get back to your exercises. I’m allowing Cassia to speak to Zarrina, and there’s nothing you can do about it.” She shoved him away from us and then turned to me. “Go and talk to Zarrina. Please, be gentle with her.”

  Stanley and I entered the conservatory. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the darkness as the blinds were firmly closed. A chink of light was coming through the blinds at one side of the room, and I noticed a pile of blankets on an armchair next to the light. Further peering on my part showed a pale face poking out from the blankets.

  “Zarrina?” I asked. “Is that you? I’m Cassia Winter, and this is Stanley.”

  “Hello!” Stanley called out cheerfully and waved his paw in the air.

  I continued, “Is it okay if we talk to you for a moment?”

  “Yes. I’d like to talk to you. Come closer.” Zarrina’s voice was weak.

  Stanley and I moved closer. I could see Zarrina better now. Her face was pale and drawn. There were dark shadows under her eyes. Her short hair was black. You wouldn’t think she was related to the white-haired athletic duo outside.

  Zarrina said, “Sorry about the light in here. I can’t be in the sun, you see. Vampires can’t tolerate direct sunlight. It’s a fact.”

  “Your brother and sister seem okay outside,” I pointed out.

  “That’s because they’ve forgotten the truth about themselves.” She pulled herself up a bit. “They’ve forgotten how vampires should behave. Uriah told me all about it. He put me on the right path. I tried to tell my brother and sister to listen to Uriah, but they wouldn’t. They said he was crazy. But they’re the crazy ones. They’re just like everyone else in this town.”

  I stared at Zarrina for a moment trying to work her out. Had she been brainwashed by Uriah?

  Zarrina’s voice rose as she said, “I know Uriah’s dead. I heard my brother and sister talking about him.” She nodded vigorously. “Oh, yes. Uriah said this would happen one day. He said someone would try to stop him from telling the truth. And he was right! Ha! He was right.”

  “Do you know who might have killed him?” I asked.

  Zarrina beckoned us closer with her thin finger. She said, “I know something. I know a big secret.”

  “Zarrina! That’s enough!” Zeke strode into the room. He waved a wooden stake in the air at me. “You’ve upset her. Leave! Now!”

  “Put that weapon down!” I ordered.

  Stanley leapt into my arms and I pulled him close.

  Zeke looked in surprise at the stake. “Weapon? This isn’t a weapon. It’s a prop. I’m going to use it in the show tonight.”

  “Really? How many stakes have you got around here?”

  “Enough. I like making them. It soothes me.” Zeke gave me a filthy look. “I know what you’re thinking. I know how Uriah died. You think I killed him.”

  I lifted my chin. “At this moment, yes, I do. I’d like a full statement from you and your sister about your whereabouts last night. Along with witness names.”

  Zarrina cried out, “Uriah was right! He was right about everything!”

  Zeke said, “He wasn’t right about anything in his life. Ever. Zarrina, it’s time for your medication.” He looked me straight in the eye. “Your broomstick is where you left it. Goodbye.”

  I did my best to maintain eye contact with him. “We’ll be back for those statements later.”

  Chapter 19

  We flew back to Brimstone town square.

  Stanley said, “Look, I can see Luca sitting on the steps of the gazebo. Shall we go and talk to him?”

  “No.” I knew I’d told myself we could be friends, but I wasn’t ready to face him just yet. I’d made such a fool of myself in front of him.

  “We have to talk to him,” Stanley insisted. “He’s seen us, and he’s waving at us. He’s beckoning us down. Come on, Cassia, he might have some important news for us about Uriah’s murder.”

  It looked like I had no choice. I headed towards the gazebo and came to a stop in front of it. Stanley and I jumped off the broomstick and I leant it against the wooden rails. It crossed my mind that I should secure it somehow. Perhaps I should bring a bicycle chain with me from my world? I quickly dismissed that thought. I was becoming suspicious of everyone in Brimstone. I’m sure someone wouldn’t steal my broomstick. Well, almost sure.

  Luca stayed in his sitting position and gave me an admiring look. “Good landing. And excellent flying. I’ve seen you zipping about the sky. How many flying lessons have you had?”

  I shrugged. “None.”

  “None? Wow. You must be a natural.” He pointed to the broomstick. “Blythe told me that old tree gave you one of its branches. Is it the same tree you used to sing to when you were young?”

  “I think so. I think I used to tell it stories too.”

  Luca smiled. “That tree has a special bond with you. I could sense that whenever we went to see it. It didn’t like me. If that tree had legs, I’m sure it would have kicked me.”

  Stanley said, “Why didn’t it like you?”

  “I suspect it was jealous of the friendship I had with Cassia.” His eyes darkened a touch. “Cassia, I hope we still are friends. I thought I’d be seeing a lot more of you since you moved into Esther’s apartment. But I haven’t. You left so abruptly the other night at the club. I came out looking for you earlier today, but there was an atrocious smell in the air. I think something must have been wrong with the drains.”

  Stanley trotted up the steps and said cheerfully, “It wasn’t the drains. It was Cassia and me! Blythe put a smell spell on us! We stank.” He lifted his paw and sniffed it. “We don’t smell anymore. Smell me.”

  Luca held his arms out. “Any excuse to give you a cuddle. Come here, my friend.”

  The traitorous cat jumped into Luca’s open arms. Didn’t Stanley realise we were trying to play it cool with Luca?

  Luca placed Stanley on his lap and stroked him. Luca said, “I can’t smell anything other than your lovely cat smell, Stanley. How was your evening with Rascal and the gang?”

  Stanley purred before saying, “We had a wonderful time. I think they want to see me again.”

  “And why wouldn’t they?” Luca said. “You’re an amazing cat, and great company.”

  Stanley purred even more and was oblivious to the looks I was shooting him.

  Luca looked my way. “Cassia, I must apologise for last night at the club. I saw Uriah Firenze shouting at you. I was about to go over, but then Astrid arrived.”

  “Astrid?” I asked as if I didn’t know who he was talking about.

  “Yes. I was going to introduce you to her, but you dashed away.” He patted the empty space next to me. “Blythe told me you and Stanley are dealing with Uriah’s murder. Do you want to tell me how far you’ve got with it? As a town guardian, I’d love to help you in any way I could.”

  I hesitated for a moment, then realised how silly I was being. I w
anted to get this murder case solved and to refuse any help would be foolish. I sat next to Luca, but not too close.

  I told him what I’d discovered so far and Luca listened quietly.

  When I’d finished, he said, “It sounds like you’ve got a few suspects to question further. Who’s your number one suspect?”

  “Zeke, so far. But I’d like to speak to Basil too. I did wonder about Flint. He turned up at Uriah’s house yesterday and claimed he’d been following me. I’m not sure I believe him.”

  “I wouldn’t believe anything that conniving werewolf tells you.” There was an angry tone in his voice which I hadn’t heard before. He continued, “If he’d have hurt you, I – ” He stopped talking and looked down at Stanley.

  I said, “Gran’s taught me some defensive spells. I’m sure I’ll be alright if Flint comes near me again.”

  Luca gave me a direct look. “You shouldn’t have to defend yourself. You’re a Winter witch, and they are respected in this town. Or they should be. Do you want me to have a word with Flint? Or his pack leader?”

  “No, thank you. I have to deal with this on my own.” I was trying not to be touched by his kindness and concern.

  Luca gave me a friendly shoulder bump. “I’d forgotten how stubborn you are. I’ll do what I can around here. I can investigate the area where Uriah was found and check out the forest behind it. I might find that book of his. I know you’re capable of doing everything on your own, but let me help you. Please.”

  I was about to say I would love that, but someone turned up at the moment.

  A young woman appeared in front of Luca and said, “Cassia doesn’t need your help at all, Luca, you’d only get in the way.” She smiled in my direction and put her hand out. “Hello. I’m Astrid. Luca’s girlfriend of many years. We almost met the other night at the club but you had to leave. I do hope your headache subsided quickly.”

  I took her hand and shook it. She was tall and slim. Her hair was cut in a bob and it was an amazing auburn colour. Her eyes were pale blue, almost ice blue. Her features were delicate and she looked doll-like.

  I released her hand and said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Are you a guardian too?”

  “I am. Hasn’t Luca told you about me?”

  Luca turned his attention back to Stanley and he tickled him under the chin. Luca said, “I thought I’d told Cassia about you. Perhaps I forgot.”

  Astrid gave him a gentle punch on the arm. “What am I going to do with you?” She looked at me and went on, “Yes, I’m a guardian. I would offer my help to you, but I know you don’t need it. Everyone around here is impressed with your investigating abilities. Of course, I knew about you before you came to Brimstone because Luca used to talk about you all the time. On and on he went about how you played together when you were young. I used to dread hearing your name!” She let out a loud laugh. “Only joking. I’m glad you’ve returned to Brimstone.”

  Stanley looked over his shoulder at her and said, “Are you a shapeshifter like Luca?”

  Astrid nodded. Her bouncy hair nodded with her. “Yes, I turn into a deer. I wanted to be an animal that could move swiftly through the forest. Not like Luca here. I don’t know why he chose to turn into a rabbit! Of all the animals he could have chosen.” She tutted and rolled her eyes.

  I didn’t say anything. Luca had told me previously he’d picked a rabbit because that had been my favourite animal as a child. Hadn’t he told Astrid that?

  Astrid moved closer to Stanley and stroked his back. Was it my imagination or did he stiffen slightly? Astrid quickly removed her hand.

  Astrid patted Luca’s knee. “Come on, Lazybones, you can’t sit here all day. It’s our afternoon off. You promised me we’d go out somewhere.”

  Luca gave her a sharp nod. “I know. Cassia, you must let me know if there’s anything I can do to help. I mean that. I’ll keep my ears and eyes open anyway.” He lifted Stanley up. “You take care, my friend. Don’t be having too many nights out on the town. And keep an eye on Cassia.”

  Stanley replied, “I will.”

  Luca smiled broadly at Stanley before placing him on the step next to me. He gave me another of his direct looks and said, “You be careful. There’s a murderer out there, and they’ll know you’re investigating Uriah’s death.”

  Astrid put her hand on Luca’s arm and pulled him up from the step. She said, “Cassia’s a big girl; she can look after herself.” She threw me a bright smile. “Nice to meet you. Bye!”

  Luca and Astrid walked away. Stanley and I watched them go.

  Stanley said, “Please don’t think I’m being mean, but I don’t like Astrid. She smells weird.”

  “Weird? In what way?”

  “I don’t know exactly. She just smells wrong.” His whiskers twitched. “What do you think about her?”

  “I haven’t made my mind up yet,” I answered.

  “I think you have,” Stanley said.

  We didn’t continue with our conversation because Blythe headed towards us at a brisk pace.

  She raised her hand. “Cassia! I’ve got something to tell you.”

  She came closer and sat next to me on the step. She looked around the square before saying, “Something terrible has happened. I went to collect Uriah’s body after I spoke to you earlier, but when I got there, the stake had gone.”

  “Gone? How? I thought you’d put an invisibility spell on Uriah.”

  Blythe nodded. “I had. Unlike the nightclub doors, Uriah was invisible but was there in his full physical form. Only the killer would know his body was there. They could have easily felt about until they located the stake. And now, they’ve taken it with them.” She shook her head. “I should have removed his body immediately.”

  “It’s not your fault,” I said. “I should have taken photos of the scene or taken the stake with me as evidence.”

  Blythe looked out onto the square. “We’re not used to dealing with murders around here. I hope whoever’s taken that stake isn’t planning to use it again soon.”

  Chapter 20

  I quickly got Blythe up to date with my enquiries.

  She nodded. “You’re doing an excellent job. I haven’t caught up with Basil yet. He’s still missing.” She gave me a fond look. “Cassia, I think you’ve done more than enough for today. Why don’t you and Stanley head back to the apartment? I’ll let you know if anything happens out here.”

  I nodded and stood up. “I’d like to get some notes written down about what I’ve discovered so far.”

  Stanley wound himself around my legs and said, “And I’d like something to eat.”

  Blythe laughed. “You’ve certainly got your appetite back.” She gave him a loving pat before standing up.

  My cat was getting more than his fair share of attention lately. I smiled. He deserved it.

  We said goodbye to Blythe and went to our apartment. We noticed something new on the table as soon as we entered.

  I picked up the bottle of white wine from the table and admired the big box of chocolates that accompanied it. Stanley jumped onto the table and sniffed the plate which had his name on it.

  There was a card with the presents. I read it out. It was from Gilda. She apologised again for the distress she’d caused us and hoped we’d enjoy her gifts. The one for Stanley was a tuna pie, made from her own recipe.

  I looked up from the card and discovered Stanley had his face in the dish. He was making loud eating noises.

  “I see you’re enjoying that,” I said. I picked up the chocolates and moved them away from the feline eating machine. “I’ll call down to the café later and say thank you for these.”

  Stanley lifted his head from the now empty plate. He licked his lips. “That was the best pie I’ve ever had. And, look, Gilda has painted my name on this plate. Isn’t that kind of her? Not everyone in Brimstone wants to hurt us.”

  I shivered. “Don’t say that, Stanley. Once I’ve got my notes up to date, shall we have a night in front of the

  Stanley nodded. “As long as we can watch something without vampires and werewolves in it.”

  There was a rattling at the door and we saw the cat flap opening. A ginger cat with a black patch of fur around one eye popped his head through.

  “Rascal!” Stanley leapt off the table and padded over to his friend. “What are you doing here? Come in.”

  “Thanks.” Rascal came through the cat flap. “You’re a hard cat to track down, Stanley. I’ve been looking for you all day. I suppose you’ve been out on one of your adventures.”

  Stanley nodded. “I have. And I’ve been flying.”

  Rascal gasped and took a step back. “No way! Flying? Stanley, my cat, you are incredible. You’ll have to tell me and the gang all about it. Can you come out tonight?”

  Stanley said, “Sorry, I’m staying in with Cassia.”

  I walked over to the cats and knelt down. “Stanley, you go out. To be honest, I’m quite tired. I’ll sort my paperwork out and then have an early night. You go out with your new friends.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I didn’t miss the hope in his eyes. “Of course I’m sure. While you’re out, you could do some investigating too.” I turned to Rascal. “Stanley told me you might be able to help us. I’d love that.”

  Rascal bowed his head. “It would be a great honour to help a Winter witch.”

  Stanley said, “Cassia, is it okay if I tell Rascal and the gang about our case and all the things we’ve found out?”

  “Yes, you do that.” I stroked his little head. “Don’t spend too much time talking about our case, though. You need to unwind and have a good time.”

  A rasping laugh came from Rascal. “I’ll make sure of that.” His rasping laugh stopped as I shot him a hard look. He said, “In a safe way, of course. Stanley will never come to harm in my company.”

  The two cats said bye to me and then headed through the cat flap. I hoped Stanley would be alright. If I had my way, I’d keep him right at my side 24 hours a day.