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brimstone witch 08 - death of a rainbow nymph

  Death Of A Rainbow Nymph

  A Brimstone Witch Mystery

  (Book 8)


  April Fernsby

  Copyright 2017 by April Fernsby

  Front Cover by

  Proofreading done by Paula Proofreader

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, electronically or mechanically without permission from the author.

  This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  About the author

  Chapter 1

  “I think I’m going mad,” Gran said. She looked at the sky again and nodded. “I must be. Either that or I need new glasses.”

  I took a bite from the slice of toast which I was holding and looked at where Gran was peering. “Why do you think you’re going mad? Are you seeing things?”

  We were standing at the open door of the cellar in Gran’s house. This door led to the magical town of Brimstone where supernatural creatures lived. Gran and I were justice witches and we dealt with crimes in Brimstone.

  Gran took her glasses off, cleaned them on the hem of her blouse and put them back on. She pointed to the sky. “There! Can you see it? There’s an arc in the sky. It’s shimmering and it’s almost invisible.”

  I scrunched my face up as if that would help me to see better. “Gran, I can’t see anything. When did you last have an eye test?”

  “There was something there in the sky, and now it’s gone. I’m almost certain of it.” She wagged her finger at the town beyond the door. “There’s something not right out there.”

  I looked at the charming scene in front of us and noted, “There hasn’t been anything right with Brimstone for months, not with all that black magic which infected it recently.” I shoved the rest of the toast into my mouth. “Tell me again what you saw. And where it was.”

  Gran gave me a disapproving look. “I didn’t raise you to talk with your mouth full, young lady.”

  I quickly swallowed the toast. “Sorry.”

  Gran sniffed. “I should think so.” She turned her attention back to the sky. “I can only describe it as a rainbow but without the colours. It was an arc in the sky which lasted for a couple of seconds and then disappeared. There was something magical about it.” A slow smile spread across her face. “Or should I say, something enchanted about it?”

  I narrowed my eyes at her. “Why are you smiling like that?”

  She turned her lovely, wrinkly face my way. “I’ve just worked out where the arc was. It was over the Enchanted Forest. It must have something to do with the rainbow nymphs.”

  “Eh? What? Enchanted Forest? Rainbow nymphs?”

  Gran tutted and folded her arms. “Cassia Winter, if I wanted my words to be repeated back to me, I would have bought a parrot. Yes, I did say Enchanted Forest and rainbow nymphs. I don’t know why you’re looking so surprised. You know how magical Brimstone is.”

  I gave her a slow nod. “I keep forgetting. I’m still getting used to being a witch.” I hesitated before adding, “Nymphs? I don’t know much about them, but aren’t they scantily dressed creatures who are always chasing after men?”

  “Certainly not! That’s what you get for looking on the internet for your information. Nymphs of all kinds are wonderful beings who care deeply about the areas they work in. They work in conjunction with Mother Nature.” She gave me a stern look. “Don’t start repeating my words again. Yes, I said Mother Nature.”

  “I thought rainbows appeared in the sky because of rain and sun mixing together.” I thought back to my school days and vaguely recalled a prism with a beam of light going through it. What was the scientific term for the action of the beam splitting into colours?

  Gran continued, “The rainbow nymphs are responsible for Brimstone rainbows. If there’s something strange appearing in the sky over the Enchanted Forest, it could have something to do with the nymphs. I think you should go over there and investigate it immediately. That shimmering arc could be a cry for help.”

  “You don’t think there’s been a murder there, do you?”

  Gran sighed. “I hope not, but you know how this town has been since that hideous dark magic infected it. Take Stanley with you.”

  “Did someone call my name?”

  Stanley, my grey-haired cat and familiar, padded across the cellar floor.

  Gran flapped her hand at him. “Stanley! You’re leaving fur in your wake again. I thought you’d stopped moulting.”

  Stanley gave Gran a sheepish grin. “Sorry, Esther. I can’t help it. Cassia keeps giving me a good brush down, but I’m still losing fur whenever I move.”

  Our last murder investigation had involved Stanley and me spending time in a cold climate. Gran had put a spell on Stanley to make his fur thicker so that he’d be warm whilst we were there. Now that we were back in the human world, he was shedding fur at a terrible rate. Gran and I had used a spell on him to stop the moulting, but Stanley’s fur had other ideas.

  Gran picked Stanley up and stroked his little head. “It’s not your fault. Would you like to go to the Enchanted Forest with Cassia and talk to the rainbow nymphs?”

  Stanley’s eyes widened. “The Enchanted Forest? Rainbow nymphs?”

  Gran shook her head at him. “You’re as bad as Cassia at repeating my words.”

  I said to Gran, “What’s so special about the Enchanted Forest? Why is it so enchanted?”

  Gran smiled. “You’ll see.” Her smile died. “Cassia, can you go now, please? I’ve got a strange feeling that something’s not right over there. I’ll give you the directions. I’ll let Blythe know you’re going over there in case,” she hesitated a fraction, “in case there’s another murder.”

  Blythe was a three-hundred-year-old witch who ruled Brimstone and she was well aware of all the murders which had been committed recently.

  I turned away from Gran’s gaze before saying, “Can I ask Luca to come with us?”

  The atmosphere suddenly changed and I felt a coldness in the air.

  Gran put Stanley on the floor and said quietly, “That’s up to you.”

  Still keeping my eyes off Gran, I continued, “He’s a guardian of Brimstone. If there has been a murder, he can help me.”

  “I’m well aware of what Luca’s job is,” Gran retorted. “But he’s not the only guardian in town. You could ask one of the other ones to help you.”

  I finally looked at Gran and gave her a defiant stare. “I trust Luca and I’d like him by my side.”

  Gran’s lips turned white as she pressed them tightly together. I could tell she wanted to give me a lecture about my relationship with Luca.

  She moved away from the door and said firmly, “I’m not
getting involved any further. You know how I feel about you and Luca getting together. Anyway, I’ve got important housework to do. Let me know how you get on with the rainbow nymphs.” She quickly gave me the directions to the Enchanted Forest then abruptly walked away and headed for the steps which led to the kitchen.

  My eyes stung. I hated these bad feelings between Gran and me. My mum had died when I was seven and Gran had brought me up here in her home. I loved her dearly, but I didn’t agree with her thoughts about Luca.

  Stanley nudged into my leg and said, “Don’t let Esther upset you. She’ll come around to you and Luca being a couple.” He paused. “Eventually.”

  I picked Stanley up and cuddled him. “I hope you’re right. Are you ready for another adventure?”

  Stanley chuckled. “Always. Let’s go.”

  Chapter 2

  I collected my broomstick before leaving the cellar. I called out a goodbye to Gran, but I didn’t get a reply. I tried not to be offended.

  With Stanley at my side, we walked out of Gran’s cellar and into Brimstone. I inhaled deeply and instantly felt better. The air in Brimstone was incredibly fresh and it made me feel as if I were going on holiday or an exciting adventure.

  Stanley said, “I love coming into Brimstone, don’t you? It’s a wonderful place. Apart from all the murders, of course.”

  “Of course.”

  We walked along the cobbled road and paused at the tree on our left. Yellow and green Brimstone butterflies rested on the branches. The town had been named after these amazing creatures.

  Stanley waved his paw at them and declared, “Good morning! It’s good to see you again.”

  Bits of his fur fluttered to the ground. He didn’t notice and I wasn’t going to draw his attention to it. I didn’t want to make him feel self-conscious.

  The Brimstone butterflies flapped their wings in reply, sending a delightful breeze over us.

  We carried on walking towards the central town area and my attention went to the large, wooden gazebo that stood on the grassy square in the middle of the town. My heart gave a leap of joy as I recognised the figure sitting on the gazebo steps.

  Stanley recognised him too and yelled, “Luca! Cassia, it’s Luca!” He broke into a jog and headed towards our dear friend.

  Friend? I kept forgetting that Luca was more than that to me now. My cheeks warmed up as I rephrased that thought. Luca was my boyfriend and had been for ten days. Not that I was counting.

  By the time I reached Luca, Stanley was sitting on his knee and purring loudly. Luca gave me a warm smile and my heart leapt again at the love in his blue eyes. The dimples in his cheeks added to his handsome features.

  He held his hand out to me and asked, “Are we still a couple?”

  “Of course.” I placed my broomstick on the ground, took his warm hand and sat next to him. “Why wouldn’t we be?”

  He gave me a knowing look. “I thought Esther or Blythe might have cast a spell on you by now to make you forget about me. Or at least, not care about me. I wouldn’t put it past them. I know how they feel about our relationship.”

  “It’s nothing personal,” I assured him. “They like you very much. It’s only because they don’t want you getting hurt in one of my murder investigations. You know that.”

  Stanley piped up, “They do have a point, Luca. You did die during Cassia’s last investigation because you went after her to declare your love.”

  Luca nodded. “Fair point. But I came back to life. Stanley, my little friend, you have to take chances in this life. Having a safe life with no adventures isn’t a life at all.” He gently stroked Stanley’s fur. His eyes widened slightly when a tuft came off in his hand. He had the good manners not to say anything and discreetly wiped the fur on his jeans.

  Stanley said, “I do like having a safe life.” He raised his paw. “But on the other paw, I love having these adventures with Cassia, despite all the dead bodies. It does feel good when we catch the killers.”

  Luca gave me a direct look. “Speaking of killers, are you here for business? Or is this a social call to see me?”

  I sighed. “I wish it was a social call. I’ve barely had any time for you lately. Since I told Gran about us becoming a couple, she’s found one excuse after another to keep me away from Brimstone. On the plus side, she’s finally given me some magic lessons. I know all sorts of spells now.”

  Stanley added, “You should see some of the things Cassia can do now. She’s amazing.”

  “She’s amazing without the magical abilities,” Luca said. He kissed the end of my nose which made me feel like giggling. I restrained myself. Grown women do not giggle.

  I told Luca about the shimmering arc Gran had seen over the Enchanted Forest. “She wants us to go over there and have a look,” I concluded.

  Luca grinned. “By ‘us’, does she know I’m coming with you?”

  “She does.”

  “And she’s not happy about that, I take it?”

  “She isn’t.” I squeezed Luca’s hand. “She’ll come round to us soon. So, Luca, do you want to come with Stanley and me to the Enchanted Forest?”

  “That’s an offer I can’t refuse.” He planted a gentle kiss on my cheek.

  “Hey!” Stanley called out. “Stop kissing Cassia. I’m starting to feel left out.”

  “I’m very sorry about that, my friend.” Luca lowered his head and placed a kiss on the area between Stanley’s ears. When he lifted his head, he had a bit of fur on his lips. He quickly wiped the fur away and gave me a questioning look.

  I shook my head slightly. I wasn’t going to embarrass Stanley by talking about his moulting situation.

  We stood up and I retrieved my broomstick. I said to Luca, “I know how you feel about flying, but this is how Stanley and I are going to travel to the Enchanted Forest.”

  Luca blanched. “I don’t know how you do it. I don’t even like living on the top floor of my building.”

  “Why don’t you turn into your rabbit form and you can sit behind Stanley on the broomstick?” I suggested. “That worked last time and you loved flying when you were a rabbit.”

  As well as being a guardian of the town, Luca was also a shapeshifter. His chosen form was a rabbit because that had been my favourite animal when I was young.

  Luca puffed his chest out. “I like looking strong and manly in front of you, especially at this early stage in our relationship. Being a fluffy bunny won’t do anything for my reputation.”

  I placed my hand against his cheek. “You’re incredibly cute as a rabbit and it makes me love you even more.” I removed my hand. “If you’re too scared to go on my broomstick even in your rabbit form, just say so. I won’t judge you.”

  Luca considered the matter. “It is one of the quickest ways to travel. Okay, I’ll accept your offer of a lift.”

  He gave me a swift smile before transforming into an adorable rabbit.

  Stanley walked over to Luca and said, “You still look handsome as a rabbit. I like you in this shape.”

  “Thanks, Stanley,” Luca replied, his whiskers twitching.

  I lowered my broomstick and my two little companions hopped on. When they were settled, I got on behind them and we lifted off the ground. I set my broomstick in the direction of the Enchanted Forest and off we went.

  Stanley loves flying and usually lets out whoops of joy as we travel. He did so now and his cries of delight were echoed loudly by Luca who was sitting behind him. It was cute at first, but then their yells got louder and I was tempted to cast a silencing spell on them.

  Just before I did so, Luca turned his head my way and said, “The Enchanted Forest is below us.”

  I looked down. “Where? This looks like a normal forest to me. I’ve flown over this area dozens of times and I’ve never noticed anything enchanted about it.”

  Luca aimed his paw at a river beneath us. “There’s a bridge there. Land on it and I’ll show you the way into the Forest.”

  I aimed my bro
omstick at the bridge and we soon landed on it.

  Luca hopped off the broomstick and scampered along the bridge. When he reached the other side, he turned back into his human form and called out, “Over here. It’s this way.”

  Stanley and I went over to him and saw him staring at a large tree. He was frowning.

  I nudged him. “What are you staring at?”

  Luca continued to frown.

  Stanley nudged him now. “Do you need a wee? We don’t mind waiting while you find somewhere private to do your business. I might need to go too.”

  “No, it’s not that,” Luca said. He waved his hand in front of the tree’s trunk. “I haven’t been here for a while, but I’m sure this is the right tree.”

  I looked at the tree too. “The right tree? What do you mean by that?”

  “This is the tree which takes us into the Enchanted Forest. There’s supposed to be a door here, I’m sure of it.” Luca turned his confused face to me. “I hope the black magic hasn’t closed the entrance to the Forest. That would be awful.”

  “Let me have a closer look.” I narrowed my eyes at the bark and noticed a faint outline of something. A handle? It was hard to see. I raised my hand and performed a revealing spell on the trunk.

  The faint outline of a handle became clearer.

  Stanley hopped from paw to paw. “A door! I can see a door now.” He abruptly stopped hopping. “That was too much excitement for me. I need to excuse myself for a moment.” He padded into the bushes a short distance away.

  I said to Luca, “Is this the right tree? Have you seen this door before?”

  He nodded. “It’s always been visible before. I wonder if it’s been affected by that black magic or is there’s something more sinister going on?”

  “We’ll find out when we go through,” I said. I looked towards the bushes and lowered my voice. “Stanley’s shedding his fur. He can’t control it and he’s very embarrassed about it.”

  Luca put his finger to his lips and whispered, “I won’t say a word.”

  Stanley came back through the bushes with a relieved smile on his furry face. “That’s better. I’m ready for action now.”